
Social Semiotics

 A multidisciplinary discipline called social semiotics investigates the study of signs, symbols, and meaning-making behaviors in social and cultural contexts. It investigates how communication frameworks and practices of signification influence and mediate interpersonal relationships, identity construction, and cultural processes. Language, semiotics, sociology, anthropology, and other related fields are all included in social semiotics. A group of academics affiliated with the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) at the University of Birmingham, UK, in the 1970s is responsible for the development of social semiotics. Theorists like Roland Barthes, Stuart Hall, Dick Hebdige, and others who aimed to comprehend how signs and symbols function within social and cultural settings made up this group, often known as the Birmingham School. Because it enables us to better comprehend how signs and symbols influence social interactions, power structures, and cultural norms, social sem

Reddit Arguements

  I chose this argument because they engaged in disrespectful behavior about politics via Negative Examples and Concerns with the Online Argument: Lack of Respectful Discourse: The participants in the argument resort to name-calling and personal attacks, such as calling each other stupid and losers. This kind of behavior detracts from the constructive exchange of ideas and hampers meaningful discussion. Baseless Conspiracy Theories: One user introduces conspiracy theories without providing any evidence or factual basis to support their claims. This kind of unfounded speculation can spread misinformation and distort the conversation. Inability to Back Arguments with Evidence: Both sides fail to provide substantial evidence or sources to support their claims. This weakens the credibility of their arguments and limits the potential for pro

Toulmin Method

 Toulmin method: a process for evaluating and creating arguments. It offers a framework for comprehending an argument's constituent parts and evaluating its merits. These components make up the Toulmin method: Claim, Data, Warrant, Backing, Qualifier, Rebuttal, and Conclusion (Green, 292). Blog posts that persuade use this method. Bloggers frequently use the Toulmin approach to develop strong, convincing arguments in their writings. They begin with a specific assertion, offer pertinent information or proof to support it, offer justifications or warrants to demonstrate the logical relationship, and may end with qualifications to admit any limitations. By employing the Toulmin approach, bloggers can create arguments that are more convincing, cohesive, and supported by facts, improving their chances of influencing their audience.

Online Communication with AI

The Ticker Podcast  goes over how online communication is evolving. Their main focus is Chatgpt is being used to communicate for companies and how it helps them be more informative and personalized. They talk about how companies are now using Chatbots on their websites and apps instead of real human web assistants. They stated, "Companies shouldn't just think of themselves as businesses but as media companies (Ticker Podcast 2023). They explain when it comes to online communication there should be an aspect of storytelling. Instead, businesses should connect with their customers and build relationships to keep them around. Building a community is a huge part of having a successful business. In our book  Communicating Online by Julia Green, it goes over the delivery and informative presentations (Green 2017). It shows us great strategies to get our message and point across. The podcast, it explains how AI has been helping companies create speeches, emails, and even presentation

Week 6 Thoughts

 Social media has changed our ways of life, including politics. If it weren't for social media, huge social rights movements like BLM would not have been at the level they were at. Social Media blew up George Floyd's death sparking huge protests and riots. This then dominoes into social media spreading stories like Kyle Rittenhouse who killed two protestors and the Stop Asian Hate movement. Social media even change the way we document history.  Because of social media, anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can document and share their experiences and perspectives on historical events. If there is a protest and something happens the people at the protest are not only witnesses but reliable sources with the use of phones. Earlier this year Raphl Yarl was shot and killed for ringing the doorbell of a house he thought was where his sister was. This story blew up on social media after an influencer explained the story to her platforms Tik Tok and Instagram. If this inf

Sunnies Studios

 Sunnies Studios is an eyewear company based out of the Phillippines. They have an Instagram, TikTok, and website. They are great at explaining and adverting their products, especially on TikTok. They provide facts about sunglasses as well as display their products very well. Sunnies Studios When you enter the website the very first thing you see on the top is Kiko Mizuhara, a Japanese model and influencer. You can view her favorite sunglasses as well as wearing them. As you scroll down you see their best-selling sunglasses and at the bottom are prescription sunglasses. I believe they organized it this way to show that they have a huge influencer that uses their glasses at first glance. Second, they have sunglasses below that because it is in season and a majority of people on their site are looking for them. Finally, they have prescription sunglasses, this is what sets their company apart from regular companies. This is unique and very affordable being that they are prescriptions. On

Digital People

  What are some of the other myths Kirschner associated with Prensky’s findings from 2001? One myth that Kirschner pointed out was that multitasking isn't real. Well, it is but just as efficient as you'd think. Digital Natives who have grown up processing multiple streams of information at once. You'd think since they have grown up in such a challenging environment it would help. However, being exposed to so many tasks and information limits the learning and efficiency of what is being given. Digital Natives may be able to multitask but they are not adequately absorbing what is being shared with them. According to Prensky, what category do you fall into and how has this affected your learning? I fall under the Digital Native category. Being born in the early 2000s means computers, wifi, and tv have always been there as I grew up. This has affected how I've learned my whole life. I remember learning the ABCs when I was 2-4 years old from a disk I would pop into a DVD pla