Knapps Relationship Model in My Life

My relationship is with my girlfriend Tawn who moved far away during my senior year of high school. This had been after around 8 months of dating and we still were getting to know each other. During this time we texted whenever we could through messages and called each other every other day. It went from texting to playing video games with each other to video calling. This would go on for about a year and through this online communication, we became closer than I thought I could with anyone. Looking at it from Knapp Relationship Model this was our intensifying stage. In this stage, people begin to share more profound and personal information, and the relationship becomes more intimate. We became best friends and started making the long drive to see each other every couple of months. This went on for a while until her family decided they were moving across the country and we would have had to make an even greater trip to see each other. At 19 years old we made a huge decision that she would move in with me in order to save our relationship began. I believe because of our connection online during COVID and her moving away we were able to continue our process of developing a closer relationship. If we hadn’t had a phone or internet I believe when she moved away our senior year it would have been the end of our relationship/friendship as a whole. Our online relationship didn’t even put our relationship on hold it. It keeps our relationship developing just as it would if we were face-to-face. Next month will be our four-year anniversary and we are still going strong!


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